Thursday, February 5, 2009

9 months

Well, I can't believe that our little guy is already 9 months old! His check-up was today. He is weighing in at 21lbs 15oz and is 28.5 inches long. Although it appears he is gonna be a late crawler, just as he was with rolling over and sitting up, he is a very healthy little man. I suppose I really don't mind not having to keep up with him yet. Holding my sweet baby boy is just fine with me!

1 comment:

The Haymans said...

I just found you from Molly and Mathew's blog. My baby boy is 13 months old and has been late at everything. He started crawling at 11 months and was a speed deamon out of the gate! We are just now pulling up and trying to take steps behind a toy. Physical Therapist thinks she's have him walking by 18 months. Nothing wrong with late bloomers!!!