Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blessed Be the Name.....

Saturday, when I stepped across the finish line there was such a rush of emotion. I couldn't believe I had done it. But then, I wanted to know where Molly was, since we had separated at mile 7. For me, the race was pretty easy up until that point. The crowds are amazing and the live music is a lot of fun. But, when we got separated. I thought, I can't do this by myself!!! I kept running and came to a church where they were singing...."Blessed be the name of the Lord!" When I heard that my eyes filled with tears, (as they are now). I knew then I could do this even if Molly and I weren't together.

I kept going and by mile 9 I could feel the heat starting to effect me. Sometime after mile 10 I had to start walking, but knew I had to finish this thing running! I walked about a mile or so trying to start back running a few times, but couldn't. Then I got to mile 12. The crowd picked up and so did their cheers. I began running and the closer I got the further away the finish line seemed. I was looking for Jay and Matthew and didn't find them. My memory seems so blurry. I finished, OH MY GOSH...I FINISHED!!

Where's Molly? I made my way throught the crowd and waited. She made it!!!

The heat took it's toll on both of us, but we had an amazing time!
Will I do this again? Can't wait!!! Sounds crazy, but I can't find the words to express what an expierence this was, both physhically and spiritually!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I just wanted to post a few pictures from the Half Marathon. Its still "soaking" in, and when I can put into words just exactly what an experience this was I will share with you all! All I can say at this point is that it was truely unbelievable. We both finished, but at different times. We got separated at about mile 7. My official time was 2:45 and Molly's was 3:01. Jason didn't get too many pictures due to the crowd. I will have more later from Molly. Above and below are from the begining around miles 1 and 3.

We had all the best intentions to really celebrate, but as you can imagine we were so tired. We did manage to eat dinner and have a few drinks. Then off to bed it was!
I even had a few pics of me and Jason, but accidently deleted them.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

And we're off!

I can't believe it is finally here. The half marathon is Saturday. We will leave for Nashville in the morning. Jason will be "driving the two Ms. Daisys". Matthew will be joining us later with his sister.

Here's a pic of Molly and I. Molly, you're a trooper, and I just love you!

We've been blessed with lots of support from our husbands. Matthew has given us lots of running tips, and well, Jason has had to rearrange his fishing schedule. Which is monumental;) Mann and Mandy Conrad, I think they call themselves Team Conrad, have also been very helpful. Last, and certainly not least, Ms. Becky, or should I say Coach! Becky is a "retired runner", and not by her choice. I guess you could say the artificial knee is a bit of a handicapp. If you ask me, she's a pro at this. Here we are with the Ultra Marathon runner! Love you, Becky!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Handsome Fellas

Easter Sunday
Can you tell this is the 3rd child? Jay is still asleep...AND this is one of only two pics of Tuck with his Easter basket.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

It's all on the pavement.

Today, I saw a sweet, sweet friend I hadn't seen in a good while. Actually, I hadn't seen her since loosing 23 of a total 33lbs. When she saw me, her question was "Where's the rest of you?" I responded, "Its all on the pavement somewhere." (Thanks, Jenny!!)

That was a VERY small part of my day today considering the 10 mile run and two baseball games, but it has stuck with me. Not because it meant the world to me that someone else noticed my weightloss (fyi....it never gets old to hear it!!). It stuck with me because, not only have I "left" excess weight on the pavement, but I've left all those damaging thoughts about myself. Now, don't be mistaken here, those thoughts do try to creep up on me. They just don't stay around to long.

I'm not perfect, and frankly there is nothing about me or my life that is perfect and guess what????? THAT'S OKAY!!! I know the Lord never meant for me to be perfect. He calls me to be holy. Now running hasn't made me any more holy. Wanna know what it has given me? It's given mounds of time to think. Yes, I've solved the world's problems (JK:). Seriously, I have had the opprotunity to examine myself, my thoughts, my motives, and many, many other things. All that thinking has cleared my mind, allowing me to focus on what the Lord wants for me....and that is being holy.

Molly, its no accident that we met. It was all part of His plan!!!!

Oh, did I forget to mention, all this running makes my legs REALLY, REALLY, REALLY sore!